Wednesday, June 4, 2008

leaving Charlotte

The day finally came...I left SMS as scheduled on May 27. I moved myself and everything that could fit into a U-Haul trailer to Norman, Oklahoma. Lots of things got left in SW MO. I put everything into storage on the 28th and than spent the rest of the week searching for apartments, exploring Oklahoma City, and getting ready for JOH.

I signed with my new apartment on the 29th. Plenty of space. Pool. No puppy hating landlord. Great. I visited Oklahoma City on the Friday and it turned out that it's a pretty neat town, overall. I look forward to triple-A baseball games and the riverwalk. Than, I got on a plane on Sunday heading for Charlotte. Continental pushed my arrival time back an hour and I got a $150 travel voucher. I could've gotten another one for $250 had I delayed the flight another four hours. I totally should've done it - would've paid for my whole flight back to OKC.

I got a $900 phone call on Monday. I was going to have to pay for June and July in Springfield, but the evil puppy hating Ron Looney found a new tenant so now I don't have to pay anything. Megan, the accountant, told me that my apartment was the cleanest they've ever seen left. I thank my mother for cleaning the apartment for me even though I told her it wasn't necessary. She was right and I was wrong. There, I said it. Anyway, it made my day/week to not have to pay for an apartment that I'm not living in. Of course, now I'm technically homeless.

We've had training the last few days. CPR, procedures, working with the equipment, and so forth. We successfully stretched two days worth of activities into three days, which was totally fratty. Tomorrow, we load up the vans and head west. We're taking five days with one night in Vegas. Should be a good experience. We meet the riders in San Francisco on June 11.

This is gonna be an amazing summer. Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay!!! I'm excited to hear about all the adventures. That's great that you got your money back from the apartment too. Safe travels! Love you!