Wednesday, July 23, 2008

thank you to my fundraising contributors!

Well, I made it! I flew to sunny North Carolina, than traveled to San Francisco by way of Memphis, Wichita, Breckenridge, and Vegas. We got all the riders checked in and now we've gone through Nevada, Arizona, and New Mexico on our way through Texas and the southern US to DC on August 16 to meet the north and transamerica routes for the Arrival. I'm writing you from Abilene, Texas!

I thank all of my fundraising contributors: Archer Daniels Midland Matching Gifts Program, Carol Hayes, Chris & Patti Johnson, Clinton Thomas, David Corey, Dave Adickes, Drew Hartley, Dylan and Susan Hayes, Erle Morring, George & Ruth Hayes, George & Vicky Oster, Helen Oster, Jim Noce, Jeff & Karyn Meyer, Jessica Oster, Joshua Peppers, Kerri Fredrickson & Jens Miller, Kristina Bunyard, Lori Hart Ebert, Mandy Jones, Mary Kay Riley, Michael Wallace, Michael & Elaine Miller, Nathaniel Oster, T.J. Sullivan, Barbi & Reggie Greenlaw, Rob Noce, David & Susan Hayes, Tom & Kathy Rosskopf, and TJ Tollakson.

I couldn't have done it without you! Please everyone follow my progress at I've already put up some photos and postings.

By the way, we have mail drops along the road - - I'd love to get some mail! The next drop is July 29 and the last one is August 7. If you happen to be along our route ( or either of the other two routes, please feel encouraged to stop by one of our arrivals.

go tigers,
Programming Coordinator
JOH South Route '08

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